Regal Funds Management
21 May 2019
Gamma Advisory
This information is general in nature and is not to be construed as advice.
Regal Funds Management has been a successful Australian investment company, focusing on alternative investment strategies that have outperformed major indices since their inception 15 years ago.
Further, their proven track record (their Tasman Market Neutral Fund has returned 15% p.a. since May 2007) has been produced with limited correlation to equity markets. Regal Funds Management is allowing investors to access investment strategies that have previously been accessible only to wholesale investors. By combining 5 alternative portfolio strategies, including the Tasman Market Neutral strategy, Regal Funds Management offers you the opportunity to invest in the upcoming IPO in (RF1). Alternative Assets can help reduce risk by reducing the overall portfolio volatility at times when traditional asset classes are highly volatile. They can also improve returns and diversification in investment portfolios.
Details of the offer:
- Specialist alternative investment manager that has won Management Firm of the Year/Hedge Fund Manager of the Year on 4 separate occasions
- Alternative assets under management are expected to grow by 8% per annum over the next 5 years according to an internal data and information provider
- Regal Funds Management currently manages over $1.6bn in assets
- Size of offering: $100m- $500m
- Issue Price for RF1: $2.50
- Net Asset Value (NAV): $2.50
- Expected Listing Date: 17th June 2019
- Its intention isto distribute all income annually to shareholders but also it may do so more frequently at its discretion
- There will be a Distribution Reinvestment Policy (DRP). Under the DRP, unit-holders may elect to have all, or part of their distributions reinvested in additional units.
Previous Distributions Yields from the Tasman Market Neutral Fund which will form approximately 50% investment for RF1 are as follows:
TASMAN 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Distribution Return (%)
0.63 6.56 0.40 8.39 15.49 7.19 8.97 13.71 8.37 6.50 0.18 9.78
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